Meeting agenda items must be submitted to [email protected] no later than deadlines below to accommodate posting as required by law. No exceptions.
- Board of Supervisors - 3pm the Thursday before the scheduled meeting
- Planning Commission - 3pm the Friday before the scheduled meeting
- Parks and Recreation - 3pm the Thursday before the scheduled meeting

Parks & Rec

  • Potter Athletic Complex – 2023 Baseball Fields Schedule

    Below you will find the official field procedures and field use applications for the new Potter Athletic Complex “PAC”, located at 150 Summer Lane, Centre Hall. These are the two…

  • 2023 Parks & Rec Board

    Parks & Recreation meets at 7:00 p.m. (2nd Monday of month) Resident Board Members Needed Board members are needed for support and planning to maintain Colyer Lake walking trail, Potter Athletic…

  • Resident Volunteers for Park & Rec Board Needed

    The Potter Township Park and Recreation Board is seeking resident volunteers to serve on our board! This board has been created to serve the community of Potter Township by enhancing…

  • Serve on Boards, Authorities & Commissions

    One way to become actively involved with the staff and Supervisors of Potter Township is to serve on one or more of the various boards, authorities and commissions. These boards…