Potter Township Authorities, Boards & Commissions
Get Involved in Local Government
Every day, decisions made by Potter Township officials affect you. Now is a great time to get involved. The Board of Supervisors has established many boards, commissions, and authorities that offer Potter Township citizens an avenue to actively participate in local government. You can put your talents to work to improve the quality of life in the Township for generations to come. Even if you don’t have time to join a committee or board, opportunities are available at all levels of involvement.
These boards deal with health and welfare, social programs, environmental issues, agricultural preservations, economic development, tourism, architectural review and others. If you would like to get involved, please click here to download a printable application. For more information call our office at 814-364-9176.
Vacancies for 2024
Spring Creek Watershed Commission
Tri-Municipal Park, Inc. Board
Centre Hall-Potter Sewer Authority
Planning Commission
Penns Valley Regional Planning Commission
Vacancy Board
Zoning Hearing Board
Parks & Recreation Board
Well Head Protection Committee
Potter Township encourages residents who want to help strengthen our community to let us know about your interests. We need and appreciate your participation.