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PennDOT Celebrates Near-Completion of Route 322/Potters Mills Gap Project

November 9, 2020

State College, PA – Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Executive Deputy Secretary George McAuley joined local officials today at a ribbon-cutting event to celebrate the near-completion of the Route 322 project near the village of Potters Mills.

“It is with tremendous pride and pleasure that we are able to celebrate the opening of the new Route 322 alignment”, McAuley said. “This project allows for more efficient travel through the area and elevates driver safety along the highway.”

Local leaders in the region joined the celebration, with many noting the positive impact the project will have on the area.

“The hard work we’ve seen on this project—through all three phases—is invaluable, said District 2 Executive Tom Zurat. “The project is a wonderful example of spending taxpayer dollars wisely and keeping the needs of roadway users at the forefront of our plans.”

All four lanes of the new Route 322 alignment have been open since mid-October, with completion work along the local access road (State Route 2015) scheduled for 2021.

Today’s event was held near the new roundabout, with the new Route 322 alignment as a backdrop.

Starting in 2015, the project featured three phases:


In total, the project cost $96 million. Jay Fulkroad & Sons, Inc. of McAlisterville was the contractor for Phase One. Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. of State College has been the contractor on Phase Two and Phase Three.  

Up-to-date project information will continue to be available at www.penndot.gov/pottersmillsgap.

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