Our office is closed to the public Tuesdays and Thursdays starting the week of March 24, 2025.
Meeting agenda items must be submitted to [email protected] no later than deadlines below to accommodate posting as required by law. No exceptions.
- Board of Supervisors - 3pm the Thursday before the scheduled meeting
- Planning Commission - 3pm the Friday before the scheduled meeting
- Parks and Recreation - 3pm the Thursday before the scheduled meeting

Serve on Boards, Authorities & Commissions

One way to become actively involved with the staff and Supervisors of Potter Township is to serve on one or more of the various boards, authorities and commissions. These boards are designed to help the Township better understand the needs and desires of the residents, business owners and developers who have chosen this community as their place to live, work, worship and play. Residents who serve on these committees are advocates for the people of Potter Township; each member brings with them their own experiences, advice and input which can be influential when policy decisions and ordinances are voted on.

Unless there is a mid-year vacancy, most board appointments are made at the January Board of Supervisors meeting. Township residents interested in volunteering for one of the boards or commissions should submit a letter of interest to Potter Township Secretary Lisa Kroner ([email protected]) (124 Short Road, Spring Mills, PA 16875)

The Potter Township Board of Supervisors is responsible for appointing persons to serve on the following boards, authorities and commissions.

  • Potter Township Planning Commission
  • Potter Township Zoning Hearing Board
  • Penns Valley Regional Planning Commission
  • Parks & Recreation Board (see details below)
  • Penns Valley Emergency Medical Services Representative
  • Vacancy Board
  • Spring Creek Watershed Commission
  • Tri-Municipal Park Board
  • Centre Hall-Potter Sewer Authority

You can help!

Potter Township has a variety of opportunities for anyone looking to volunteer their time to the community.

Volunteers Needed:  Parks & Recreation Board

Board members are needed for support and planning to maintain Colyer Lake walking trail, Potter Run Park, and locate areas where walking trails and small parks could enhance the health and wellness for our residents and visitors.  Additional support is welcome to plan events that would bring the community together and showcase the many gems available in Potter Township.

If you are interested, email your name, address and phone number to [email protected] or call the office.